The campaign is called "Take Back the Tech - Reclaiming ICTs to End Violence Against Women" - a play on the "Take Back the Night" women-only marches which have taken place around the world every September for a number of decades.
This post on the Website explains where the idea came from for this event:
"During the Know How conference held in Mexico City from August 23-26 2006, the Association for Progressive Communications Women's Networking Support Programme (APC WNSP) issued a call to every grrls, librarians, lecturers, writers, techies, geek grrls, bloggers, emailers, SMSers, advocates, trainers, storytellers, poets, writers, web managers, theorists, graffiti artists, photographers.. to take control of ICTs and consciously use it to disrupt gender relations. To Take Back The Tech is necessary in order to reclaim women's critical contribution to ICT development, as well as their SPACES and RIGHTS to move, shape, define, participate, use, share freely without harassment or threat to safety."
J'adore Internet et son potentiel pour les féministes. Internet est un lieu de violence pour les femmes et les filles - violences et contrôles de toutes sortes - mais il n'est pas que ça. Les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) constituent également des outils majeurs vers l'atteinte de l'égalité et la prise de pouvoir des femmes sur nos vies et nos espaces d'expression, y compris sur Internet. Je vais participer à l'événement Take Back the Tech en affichant régulièrement des billets bilingues, soit en français, soit en anglais, au gré de mes inspirations du moment !
Participez, vous aussi, à cette campagne en diffusant vos réflexions, vos expériences et vos opinions sur les TIC et la violence faite aux femmes. Diffusez et parlez-en autour de vous.
I hope lots of us will blog and share what we think about ICTs and violence against women - I know I have lots to say, so let's get started!
En solidarité,
-- FeminisTIC (Feminist/féministe + TIC/ICT)
technorati tags: takebackthetech women femmes ICT TIC Internet nptech feminism féminisme cyberfeminism cyberféminisme