We were 1,000 strong on Parliament Hill (check out some pictures here), to let Prime Minister Stephen Harper know that we will not shut up, we will not be silenced - we will continue to speak out against the outrageous cuts and changes to federal women's programs until they are reversed. Women's critics from the 3 other major federal parties were present, and we learned that over 450 women's organizations signed the December 10th Campaign For Women's Equality and Human Rights (pour accéder à la Déclaration en langue française, cliquer ici). Support also came in the form of a letter to the Prime Minister signed by 6 women Nobel Peace Prize recipients! What an incredible boost to the women of Canada - and what a shame on our government. On top of that, many World March of Women coordinating offices around the world also wrote to Stephen Harper to express their concerns over changes to equality in Canada! On peut consulter ici la version française de la lettre des récipiendaires du Prix Nobel de la paix.
Je suis renversée et émue par la solidarité des femmes du monde avec nous au Canada... Je vous remercie très humblement et en toute solidarité !
To find out more about the cuts and changes to women's programs, including what you can do to participate in the different campaigns, check out these feminist Websites:
- Status Report
- The Women Are Angry
- FAFIA (English) / AFAI (en français)
-- FeminisTIC
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