Thursday, December 07, 2006

Campagne contre la violence / Amnesty International's campaign on violence against women

In 2004, Amnesty International began a multi-year campaign to "Stop Violence Against Women" around the world. This has been an incredible show of solidarity and support for women's organizations around the world, since Amnesty has great credibility with citizens, governments and organizations the world over, whereas sadly, women's organizations often do not have such great press.

Sur trois ans, Amnistie internationale a décidé que chaque année, un aspect différent de la violence faite aux femmes dans le monde serait traité. En plus, ces jours-ci, pendant les 16 jours d'activisme contre la violence faite aux femmes, Amnistie nous demande de passer à l'action chaque jour, pour contrer la violence domestique : celle qui se vit chez nous, dans nos foyers, au sein de nos familles, dans nos communautés. Consultez la page de cette campagne afin d'obtenir des pistes d'action, et levez vos plumes ! À vos souris - les TIC pour un monde sans misogynie, sans violence faite aux femmes !

During the 16 Days of Activism against violence against women, Amnesty asks us to participate in a daily action to contribute to a violence-free world. Pick up your pen - or your mouse - and act for women!

-- FeminisTIC

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